Saturday, 4 February 2012

February Update

The new year is already a few weeks old, and only now am I managing to write something for my new blog. However, I do have lots of good news to tell!

Purls of Colour designs can now be found at the following shops:
Lighthouse Yarns at St George’s Market also exhibits some of my pieces.

I am also thrilled to say that I am now writing two regular features for the Fondelifair blog:
Purls of Wisdom on a Wednesday, and Friday Finds on a…yes, a Friday!

I have been busy knitting, and not so busy lying in bed with a rather nasty flu. I am glad to say that I am now nearly back to my energetic self, although tonight – on a rather frosty night – my sofa is calling me rather loudly. I shall definitely wrap a big blanket around me and make myself comfortable with some knitting later on.

Recently, I spent some time doing some ‘extreme’ knitting – yes, this is what it is called: knitting with BIG needles. My big 25mm wooden needles came out…and I didn’t have to go to the gym anymore, since I got a full workout on my arms. Better than the rowing machine!

Since the needles were nearly longer than my sofa, I had to move away anything that was near, since one move with the big oars, erm, needles, and something got knocked over. It was fun though, and the result – a big cowl made from blanket material remnants – is now on its merry way to Ennistymon.

Nothing like knitting with chunky yarn in this frosty weather. Hard to believe that the Celtic Spring already started on 1 February!

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