Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Sometimes love ain’t enough…

No, I am not going all cheesy on you. I just had a mad few days, and spent more time on politics than anything else. I love it. I love being a political animal, and I would like to be involved in decision making one day. However, a lot of aspects in politics are really not me, and I worry that I have to change too much to make this work. So it is stressful, and serious, and I want to laugh, and dance, and knit.

So today is a craft day for me. Sadly, it isn’t warm enough to knit in the garden, but so I am sitting at my desk with coffee, knit and muse about my life, about how I can combine crafting and politics and writing, as well as laughing and dancing. Oh yes, and recycling, too. The latter, however, worked out very nicely.

I had this top which was beautiful - on the hanger! But not on me. No matter how many people told me that I looked nice, it never felt like it. I loved it, I loved the medieval-looking sleeves, I loved the purple colour, but when I was wearing it, I kept tucking on it and twisting in it, and just felt…wrong. I altered it. Still felt wrong. It seemed to give me a strange shape that just wasn’t me, partly too big and partly to short. It just didn't fit. So eventually, I had to make a decision. Charity shop, or cutting it into t-shirt yarn? The fabric and sleeves are gorgeous, but did I want to cut it?

Then I thought, why not use those amazing sleeves…as part of armwarmers! Right now I am very much into combining my knitting with textile art in mittens and armwarmers, so I decided to use the sleeves and make something for me!  Luckily, I found a matching yarn in my stash – beautiful, purple, and handspun by Rachel from lindsaycrafts.  So I cut, turned the sleeves upside down, fitted, knitted and sewed, and here is the result (one done, one more to go)!

  So, now I have something I love and love wearing, too! 

If politics were so easy…but then again, maybe it is?

Thowing down the gauntlet and dancing to Bellowhead!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Hitting the keys once again...

After a long hiatus, I decided to hit the keyboard once more. Not too sure why I dropped the pen last year, but maybe it was a kind of writer's block. The urge to write just left me, and I just couldn't do it anymore. I 'wrote' in my head, but did not put anything down on paper or on computer file. It didn't help that my computer slowed down until it was nearly slouching backwards - the wheel was not turning, and the hamster was certainly half-dead.

However, I missed writing, and I do only feel half-human when I am not creating words. When I write, I seem to come alive twice - first in real life, and then in the captured word. I also capture time, and life slows down. I remember events far better after I've written about them. No wonder that last year was a bit of a blank...only my knitwear and yarns remind me of what I was doing.

I so love my knitting and spinning, but knitting without the written word is not enough. There has to be a different yarnspinning going on, not just the whirling of my Turkish drop spindle.

I shall write. And knit. And spin. And do politics. Four halves make a beautiful cake, and I want to have my cake and eat it whole. Without the writing slice, there is a big hole in my cake, and I do want to devour it all!

The spring sun finally flows into my window, I have a shiny new (second hand) laptop (massive hugs to its previous owner), I am surrounded by yarn, fibre and good music, and I write. Total happiness!