Some beautiful acts of yarnbombing happend to the 'Sheep on the Road' sculpture outside the Waterfront Hall, Belfast this weekend.

Very appropriate, since it was a mucky sort of a weather, and the sheep might have missed their fleece...

No, it wasn't me...I love it though!

However, the act of yarn bombing, yarnbombing, graffiti knitting or yarnstorming isn't that well known in Belfast, and I had to explain it to some punters who were admiring those fashionably-clad sheep and shepherd. Basically, yarnbombing is a a type of graffiti or street art that uses colorful displays of knitted or crocheted items or simply yarn rather than paint or chalk. Yarn installations – called yarn bombs or knit bombs – can last for years, but can also be easily removed. They don't harm, but rather warm the trees, street signs, lamp posts, buses, sculptures and public buildings!
Blame the Texans - that's where yarnbombing apparently started!

This graffiti knitting was part of the street art at the Base Festival in St Anne's Square.